Automation that modernizes the world …
Experience with plc programming
- STEP 7 manager (STL, GRAPH, LAD, SCL, FBD)
- TIA portal (STL, GRAPH, LAD, SCL, FBD)
- WinCC, WinCC flexible & unified
- Schneider electric
- Mitsubishi
- SCADA (Siemens, Promotic, Reliance)
- SQL, OPC and others
- Ehernet/IP, Profinet, Profibus, Rs232/422/485, CANbus, CANopen, Modbus RTU/TCP, UDP and custom UDP and other..
- Full portfolio of CODESYS systems
Experience with programming robots
- KUKA & KUKA VW standard (advanced)
- FANUC + karl (advanced)
- ABB (beginner)
- UR robots + urscript
- Creation of URcap modules
- 2D & 3D Vision bin picking
- Drawing electrical diagrams in EPLAN
- Inspection technician of electrical equipment
- Programming in advanced programming languages: C#, Java, Python, C++
- Programming STM32, ATMEL & PIC microprocessors
- Production of electrical switchboards according to European standards
- Creating your own communications for the needs of the application
- Data analysis on the client and server side
- Use of artificial intelligence in automation
Vladimír Mrva –
Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad.
– Cory House